A-three Cosmetics set is “storming” the market and is one of the most popular skin care product lines today. Let’s explore the thorough skin care routine with A-three Cosmetics in this article to see its “miracle” with proper ways to nourish your skin to make it young and healthy every day.

An overview of A-three Cosmetics

For years now, A-three Cosmetics, imported from the United States and Taiwan, has been a favorite brand in the beauty market with many different product lines, such as face care, body cream, concentrated essential oil, skin treatment, and more. The most prominent advantage of A-three is its “100% natural ingredients”, which is extremely safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin. With outstanding quality, A-three has received the recognition of millions of customers both domestically and internationally.

5 common skin care steps with A-three Cosmetics

Scientific and proper skin care is the secret to effectively supporting and improving skin. With the high-end cosmetic set of A-three Cosmetics, you only need to follow the 5 steps below to help rejuvenate your skin while also whitening and smoothing it:

Step 1: Clean your ski

Ampoule Foam Cleanser with ingredients from Suong Chau grass, Hai Tao sugar, purified water and other substances will help clean and brighten the skin from deep inside, tighten pores, and reduce acne.

How to apply:

  • Put an appropriate amount of the product into your palm and create lather
  • Gently massage the face
  • Wash your face with water



Step 2: Balance and soothe the skin

This step will help increase skin elasticity and moisture, making it smoother. Using rose stem cells Moisturizing Awakening Essence will help you achieve the best results because the product contains rose embryo essence and many other nutrients such as vitamins and licorice.

How to apply:

  • Take an appropriate amount and spread evenly on the skin after cleansing your face.
  • Gently pat your face for the essence to penetrate deeply into the skin.
  • Apply a thin layer on rough skin areas.



Step 3: Intensive Essence

With the intensive essence, your skin will be firmer, brighter, and less dull. In this step you can use the following products:

Intensive whitening essence: Peptide Cocktail

Peptide Cocktail contains Peptide 5, Peptide 9, Hai Tao sugar, mineral essence and other substances that are all necessary nutrients to nourish the skin from deep inside.

How to apply:

  • Take an appropriate amount of the product and spread it evenly on the skin.
  • Lightly pat your face for nutrients to penetrate deeply into the skin.
  • Apply another thin layer on the cheekbones and the area of ​​brown spots.

B5 Concentrated Booster

Vitamin B5, collagen, grass and other substances in B5 Concentrated Booster will give you radiant skin.

How to apply:

  • Take an appropriate amount and spread evenly from face to neck.
  • Apply another thin layer on areas prone to brown spots and wrinkles.

Step 4: Moisturize

With Anti Wrinkle Cream, your skin is not only protected against external agents, but also enhanced with sun protection and better elasticity. Its ingredients include cocoa butter essence, gotu kola, beetroot, Alllantion and other substances.

How to apply:

  • Take an appropriate amount of the product and spread it evenly on the skin
  • Lightly pat your face for nutrients to penetrate deeply into the skin.

Step 5: Sunscreen

BB Active Sunscreen of A-three Cosmetics has optimal sun protection and skin care thanks to its ingredients containing many vitamins, lychee peel essence, licorice, camellia and others. In particular, the product can be used as a makeup base.

How to apply:

  • Take an appropriate amount and apply from face to neck.
  • Lightly pat your face for nutrients to absorb into the skin.
  • Remember to apply BB Active Sunscreen 15 – 30 minutes before going out.

The intensive skin care steps with the high-class cosmetic set, A-three Cosmetics, has been recognized by many women as a highly effective approach. The products are non-irritating because they are extracted from 100% natural ingredients. So, you can be confident to apply these skin care steps to keep your skin healthy and beautiful!

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